Demographic Data

Race is something that impacts a lot more than what you look like. In America, race is a highly important factor in determining a person's place in society, and as the charts below show, being White is a massive advantage in America. The racial wealth gap has actually spread between White and Black Americans since 1983.

In this chart, the economic reality faced by various ethnicities is seen. The demographic data shows that Asian and White Americans are more likely to be able to afford to put their kids into expensive activities such as Travel Ball and elite baseball camps.

Positional demographics at the Major League level are very telling, in the attached graph you can see how the league divides up the players by race. In 2016, there were just 14 black pitchers out of 449 total Major League pitchers. 7 starters and 7 relievers. Looking at the position by position chart of the Major Leagues you can...